Zend based class for polish payment gateway Płatności.pl - MVC - Zend Framework
A two-day task while applying for a job.
It applies to specification but not tested in real world app.
Sorry for formatting. I didn't find a gadget that would format the code for blogger.
* Class PlatnosciPL
* Contains functionality that is used with Platnosci.pl service
* PHP version 5
* @category CategoryName
* @package PackageName
* @author soofit.blogspot.com
* @copyright
* @version SVN: $Id$
* @link
class PlatnosciPL
* Config variables
public $server='www.platnosci.pl';
public $appName='paygw';
public $appUrl='https://www.platnosci.pl/paygw/';
* Encoding of the client's side.
public $encoding=array('utf'=>'UTF','win'=>'WIN','iso'=>'ISO');
* Procedure name indicating the operation to perform
public $procedure=array('new'=>'NewPayment','get'=>'Payment/get','confirm'=>'Payment/confirm','cancel'=>'Payment/cancel');
* Format of the service response
public $format=array('txt'=>'txt','xml'=>'xml');
public $pos_id='12345';
public $session_id='1234567';
public $ts;//timestamp
public $sig='';
public $key1;
public $key2;
public $client_ip='';
public $pos_auth_key='2ref';
public $desc='opis';
public $js='0';
public $amount=12;
function __construct() {
* + composes the url part for interacting with the service
* @param string $enc encoding
* @param string $proc procedure
* @return string e.g /paygw/ISO/Payment/get
* @access public
function getServerScript($enc='iso',$proc='get'){
return '/'.$this->appName.'/'.$this->encoding[$enc].'/'.$this->procedure[$proc];
* + sends the form data to the service
* @param string $params key=value pairs eg key=value&key=value&
* @return string result
* @access public
function newPayment(&$params)
$qs=new QueryServer();
return $str;
* + receives the transaction status info from the service
* + checks the hash string
* + updates the database
* @param string $params key=value pairs eg key=value&key=value&
* @access public
function receiveTransactionStatus(&$params)
//update trans status in db if not
//updated yet (platnosci.pl may call this not once)
echo "OK";
echo "Not OK";
* + gets the transaction status info from the service
* + checks the hash string
* @return string result
* @access public
function getTransactionStatus()
$qs=new QueryString();
$qserver=new QueryServer();
$msg='Error occured while getting the status.';
if (eregi("<trans>.*<pos_id>([0-9]*)</pos_id>.*<session_id>(.*)</session_id>.*<order_id>(.*)</order_id>.*<amount>([0-9]*)</amount>.*<status>([0-9]*)</status>.*<desc>(.*)</desc>.*<ts>([0-9]*)</ts>.*<sig>([a-z0-9]*)</sig>.*</trans>"
//verify received
switch ($parts[5]) {
case 1: $msg=$parts[5].' nowa'; break;
case 2: $msg=$parts[5].' anulowana'; break;
case 3: $msg=$parts[5].' odrzucona'; break;
case 4: $msg=$parts[5].' rozpoczta'; break;
case 5: $msg=$parts[5].' oczekuje na odbir'; break;
case 6: $msg=$parts[5].' autoryzacja odmowna'; break;
case 7: $msg=$parts[5].' patno odrzucona'; break;
case 99: $msg=$parts[5].' patno odebrana - zakoczona'; break;
case 888: $msg=$parts[5].' błędny status'; break;
default: $msg=$parts[5].' brak statusu'; break;
return $msg;
* + cancels the transaction
* + checks the hash of a string
* @return string result
* @access public
function cancelPayment()
$qs=new QueryString();
$qserver=new QueryServer();
$msg='Error occured while cancelling the transaction.';
if (eregi("<trans>.*<status>(.*)</status><pos_id>([0-9]*)</pos_id>.*<session_id>(.*)</session_id>.*<ts>([0-9]*)</ts>.*<sig>([a-z0-9]*)</sig>.*</trans>"
//verify received
switch ($parts[1]) {
case 'OK': $msg='OK'; break;
case 'ERROR': $msg='Error'; break;
default: $msg=' brak statusu'; break;
return $msg;
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